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If you’re like most of my clients, you’re already a high achiever.
You got the job, collected the promotions, and/or worked on creating the life that made “logical” sense. But something feels…off.
You’re left wondering “is this it?” Thinking or feeling that’s there more to your life (and dreams, possibilities, and reality) than meets the eye.
I can guess this, because I felt the same way
Like most people, I lived life “by the book.”
But 15 years into a career at a global company- when I “should” have been excited about my accomplishments- I was left wanting more… wanting something different. And that’s when the fun- and magic-began.
I started living a life led by intuition.
and now I teach others to do the same
Creating their own unique paths for massive success in all areas of life.
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Popular Interviews
The best way to get familiar with my work is to listen to these inspiring, uplifting, & heartfelt conversations.
living by intuition
Embracing your Intuitive Gifts
Ready to start creating your new reality?
take the Clairleadership quiz
And find out how to use your own unique brand of intuitive guidance to move through the world with expanded energy.
Feeling extra frisky?

1:1 Mentorship
A 3-month container to expand into the realm of intuitive energetics.
Single Session
A focused single session to discover the root of a challenge, limiting belief or energetic pattern.